Monday, July 30, 2012

Turning the Corner

The light of summer slowly, subtly, in its gentle lushness, has turned the corner.  Never can I pinpoint the moment this occurs, it is much like the welcome surprise of a full moon...The soul looks up and sighs "Ah there you are my friend".

Sitting on my small deck which overlooks the bird sanctuary, I could see the dimness coming early on the other evening.  It wasn't a storm, it was simply a gentle cloak of hushed light that presented itself to all who took note.  Time to prepare.  Time to make ready your harvest plans and sleeping arrangements for the blankets of cold that will render the lands soft and dreamy.

Life flittered by all around me.  My neighbors rushing here and there, kids to bring, activities to attend; hurried.  But this moment for me spoke of cold lemonade in the waning heat.  It whispered reflection, creaking wooden swings, sleeping dogs and tired sprinklers.  It quietly demanded deserved attention for the display of fullness the summer pinnacle brings.

4 days off gave me the serenity to witness it.  4 days off gave me the nudge that the kids were rested, content.  It gave me time to listen to my small clan here in our Hamlet of Hamburg..."Can you make your homemade bread?" "I've been really wanting a chicken pot pie."  The body knows what we don't and it presents its needs.  We need settling, comfort food and cozy.  I was so grateful to have the time to meet these desires of my people.  When I tried to explain it to the teenage boys I got a roll of the eyes "Mom, there isn't meaning in EVERYTHING!"  They know there is...We all do.

Take the time, enjoy the light, acknowledge the cues our bodies were meant to live by.  4 days reassured me to keep going on the path I'm walking.  Take care of your obligations, then take care of your soul and your clan.  Work and race a bit less so you may simply BE more.