Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Waiting for Envy

Yesterday I got a 'sneak attack' call from my ex-husband.  Many say why do you pick up the phone?  One of my sons had tried to call me prior so I automatically assumed it was regarding one of the boys.  It was regarding a $ related issue.  Part way through the call he inquired as to how I was I replied with 'I am ok, Hey I was thinking..."  I wanted to tell him something about our youngest son but he interrupted me and again asked about the main objective of his call.  I was not surprised as he is really trying his best but is a narcissist in every sense of the word.  Any communication only serves one purpose; feeding his bruised from childhood ego.  That is fine we were together for 15 years and divorced for 10 - I understand.  So I simply hung up the phone.  He called back.  I told him I was at work and was busy.  'So what?' was his reply as we are talking about a man that earns six figures about three times over annually - nothing is as important to him but that.

Later in the very full day I had I came home and sat with my oldest child.  My youngest had been asleep for hours, school and exercise finally catching up to him.  It went like this:

"Hey did dad tell you why he needed that phone number?" My oldest is so direct, so true, so good.

"No honey I really couldn't deal with him, I looked it up and texted it to him."

"Oh, well he's buying a house down the shore."

I broke into a smile.

"I'm sorry Mom."

"Honey what are you sorry about?!  That's great! You and Mike will have a place to go and hang out in summer and in the off season when you like it down there!"

"I thought you would be,..Ya know...jealous or hurt or I don't know...It's where we went, kinda our thing..."

"Oh honey we will always do 'our thing' but this is a new thing and I'm happy for you and Mike!'

"You're not jealous?'

Envy - A reaction to lacking something.  Jealousy - A reaction to the threat of losing something.

It was then that I did a quick internal triage - did I bypass some major emotion?  Had I missed it?  Was I in shock that their father was going to by a house not far from where I cherished taking them as children?  No.  I scanned myself again.  No.  There was only happiness, and it was the most wonderful surprise of all.  

Believe me I've still got work to do and I could embark on a tireless tirade of how his girlfriend is a gold digger, he is a sociopath and any number of character assassinations.  But I just didn't have it in me.  Why?

Soul Evolution is all I could come up with.  

Since the very moment I had conceived these children, it became all about them.  I gave them what I didn't have, hoped for them what I couldn't give, I cheer for them when every leg of their journey becomes better, more luminous.  There wasn't an ounce of negativity.  I was as if God/The Universe/Karma/etc had unburdened me any ill will and I found only happiness for my children regardless of the source.

Of course my son thinks it should be us.  But I told him how full my life is with friends, my interests, my goals etc etc I told him how proud I am of he and his brother and how everything is happening the way it is supposed to.  Then he floored me...

"Yeah Mom, it will be nice but I don't have expectations that it will one day be mine one day- I will enjoy it but not depend on it - I am building my own life."  Bravo my child - YOU are intact.

When I woke up this morning I knew I had to write this.  I woke up and again triaged my emotions...I'm good, unshaken, moral compass intact.  And my son and I were given a lesson that surprised us both - Be happy and solid in your life - it's your biggest job - everything else is just foam on the waves.  And when the ocean is left to it's own, time and the moon-tide will clean it - the same goes for you.

Sacred Moments