Sunday, August 10, 2014


Sometimes you do all you can and it still isn't enough...Sometimes you can't do anymore than you have done and the task at hand wins, for today and you can not even fathom tomorrow...Sometimes you need sleep and sleep just won't come for you.

Sometimes you can only walk and move forward though everything around you begins to fall at your feet.  Sometimes you cannot step over it, or around it - it is then that you must climb.

Sometimes the wind speaks to you and it whispers "Do not lose hope, the best is still in front of you"  And you beg to believe that.

Sometimes the wind says "You will use this to serve the greater need and the children that need in a world swirling with chaos.  It may be the greatest classroom, the street, the hills, the earth, the sea it will be somewhere but nowhere you can imagine today.  It will be where words and stories spark hope in the hopeless.  Do all you can and HE will do the rest."

And you've no choice but to keep going.  Weary.  Just keep going.

The end result is not always for us to see today and it is only Faith that can get us to tomorrow
