Saturday, June 1, 2013

The treasure revealed

So I've come to appreciate Urban Hiking.  When I first found it I thought "what is it and do I need a weapon?"  

Apparently it was the push back movement to being gridlocked.  Pack a bag take off on foot and see what you miss from a car window. Like a cat you can literally climb, hike, explore things that are off limits in normal every day travel.   I had the recent opportunity to take my first Urban Hike in Ocean City NJ.  I found it while staying with a friend who had a big job interview...

"Crisy come down the shore with me - I have to do a working interview for three days, you would be on your own, minutes from the beach, it's totally paid for and you've just been so stressed may you would like..."

"Yes yes and yes and did I mention...YES!" 

So I set off with backpack, ipod, water, a towel and $14 on an urban hike I found printed in the local coffee shop.  TEN MILE URBAN HIKE - WORTH IT.

And it was.

So this weekend I find myself in a small town called Cambridge.  I was to camp and milk goats - both got cancelled.  So for the high falutin price of $55/night I'm staying in an old roadside motel with a placebo Air Conditioner and a shower head that is a glorified hose....camping ...sort of.

Always the early riser I was up at dawn and stepped outside finding it cooler than the sauna like quarters.  I got that little excited feeling - urban hike!

I grabbed my shoes and hit the sidewalk.  In retrospect many would think this dangerous - NJ Woman heads out at crack of dawn with no ID and no direction. But honestly folks I am in Mayberry, Im not joking. 

I roughly estimated a 5 mile loop.  I get the feeling this is the place you come to settle if you're able to secure employment OR you have a nice pension.  I understand it gets so cold here in the winter things just break.  I'm not easily broken so I am figuring my 5 year plan with gusto.  This fall both boys are in highschool, I return to school.  I work my ass off, sock away more and when the boys set off on their life - this is where I will be.  Simple right:? Exciting? O honey you have no idea!

This was a town that hit it's peak with the railroad and much of it still intact.  Now there is a bohemian vibe and being about 15 min from VT there is an undertone of New England charm with the chipped edges of self reliance.  You bring that which you are and revel in it.

I returned to my room/shed quite a bit later sweaty and happy.  Under the hose shower I listened to my heart.  Sometimes things have to erode to reveal the treasure... I'm drawing the map on my soul...
