Monday, May 27, 2013

The Secret Gardens...

So the last few weeks of work have been nothing short of grueling.  Fluorescent lighting and corporate hawk like analysis (We are spending too much on sticky notes...kill me) set the stage for very high frustration.  I innately fear my loss of autonomy in times like this...yet another nod to the life I am shifting towards.

So I staved off another migraine on Friday and went into the weekend determined to get as much fresh air and sunlight as possible believing that this would both clear my mind and spirit of residual negative energy.  I was a bit apprehensive Monday as I woke @ 4:30 to ready myself and household for the day.  I ended up leaving early, pushing myself into the week with gusto.  I listened to my book on CD during my morning commute.  The roads I take are now second nature.  I allowed myself to just stay in the moment with no expectations other than that of a hopeful and good work week.

I found my mind perseverating on the finish of the last week and the meeting that totally pissed me off and I suddenly decided it would not take over the morning.  Last week would stay in last week.

We've all had the wind knocked out of our sails and we try to mend them.  Mental pep talks and centered smiles because we know there is a bigger picture, a bigger plan at work.  But negative thoughts I find are like mosquitoes in the Amazon - enough of them will surely drain you of your life force.  I've learned to wait these things out, to stop feeding them and like a candle without oxygen - they will snuff out.

I wanted to be a bit early so I had left early.  I arrived 45 minutes ahead of time...I didn't want to be quite THAT early.

It was a bit chilly out, but I find that and a steaming cup of coffee in the chill quite invigorating.  I'm best in the morning but the work schedule I keep makes a morning fitness routine almost impossible...unless of course I wake up @3AM.  I had to draw the line somewhere so I have gone without my love of a run in the AM for quite some time.  However I didn't calculate the earlier arrival with traffic patterns.  There were literally very few people on the road so I invariably could have a 45 minute span of time and already be at the doorstep of my employment.  hmmmmmm

I suppose I could come in yoga pants....I suppose I could bring my headphones...I supposed I could grab a run, then coffee, then arrive at my desk with a negative caloric balance hmmmmmmmmm

Our facility is set loverlooking a river.  It was the dream of two nuns to erect a place of wellness.  I think all humans equate water with healing on some level.  I drove toward the developments that lay behind the hospital but the shoulder of that road would certainly prove unsafe given psychotic morning commuters.  I decided to see if the main road was any better.  Ironically it was given the sidewalks.  Cars could still zoom by but I wouldn't feel forced to perform a military jump every time they did.

So I began hatching a plan (which I always find tantalizing)  I would try to get at least 30 min head clearing cardio in before work, in the cool air close to the river.  My simple goal would be to jog in one direction for 15-20 min then turn back!  The negative energy that had plagued me from the week before began to evaporate with the mist by the water.  As I slowly drove the path I would take something caught in my line of vision...a gigantic riotess garden in the early stages of spring!

Had some cosmic unmet soul friend of mine done the unthinkable?  Did they convert their entire front manicured lawn into a garden?!  With a goofy smile I turned into a side street to retrace back and grab a better look.

As I slowly drove up, my smile grew and a joyous feeling filled my heart for before me lay not one garden but many!  The marque heralded me to a grand Community Garden!!  It proved completely deserted at this hour of morning so I slowly rolled my car into it's dirt path.  To the left the gardens looked to be 10x12 plots and lay 3 deep, to my right 2 deep and about 10-15 one after the other.  I stopped in the middle of it and sighed in gratitude to the sky.  Once again the Universe delivered extravagantly!  And just like that all was well and I was more than ready to take on Monday!

Good Energy to you and the gardens you've yet to discover!