Saturday, May 18, 2019

They don't look like me...

So a friend of mine sent me something that they thought I would plug media warriors that show skin with ink and aren't afraid of it.  They use the community to to appreciate their differences...darling, I've been striving for that since day one...

Being a ginger is, by default, different.

It caused ridicule.
It caused lust.
It caused adoration
It caused fist fights.
It caused a marriage.
It caused children.
It caused uncertainty.
It caused divorce.

It resulted in questioning and eventually (thank all that is holy) acceptance of self.

Different has always been my thing...from birth.

The site features ladies with lots of ink...on exposed bodies.

You're talking with someone who bypasses ink,, who has major commitment issues, because I understand the ebb and flow- I've lived it through many existences.  I know the only constant is change.

I have cosmic ink...permanent tattoos known as freckles - been there, done that, since being incarnated over and over as a familiar, yet foreign, energy.

My hair, my crown, my thorn of rose colored locks - is a waving flag of difference that I cannot deny.

The ex wanted blonde.  Ex for a reason.

have learned to accept myself...dare I myself.  Not all sins are visible.  Mine are much deeper than skin, I assure you.  Both a blessing and a curse.  You speak of discomfort - I breathe it, and have chosen to keep breathing.

The ridicule, the hate, the adoration, have molded me beyond belief.
I have crowned myself with my own sword.
I have been my worst enemy and my best friend.
I have been certain and uncertain - stumbling through the dark, crying in the night, persecuted throughout time for what people ASSumed I was.

And yet here I stand.  In love, in difference and indifferent to your view.

Here is my profound rebellion - I have learned to love myself.
You no longer seep into my cracks - I love all, have compassion for all, I identify with universal and am united.

I see and love no gender.  I see and love all color - we are a rainbow of existence.

I have found peace and I am not letting it go.

It's a fine reduction sauce that has slowly simmered into peace, and I dine on it's delicious flavor daily.  I am fed and satisfied with who and what I have realized.


My reply to my friend..'They just don't look like me, I'm staring down 50 and can't wait to be 80 - Somehow I feel more whole than I have ever been - FK I should post that'

So I did.

Love who and what you are.