Thursday, September 27, 2018

6 degrees

Of Course the muse hits a bit after midnight...where I am in a box when I long to walk the wet dark pavement and know that I am real.

Gone are the days of anonymity, where you could go a mystery unsolved, where words were spoken and unregistered into the great electric mind - forever preserved in a screen shot and a save.

The days of 6 degrees are upon us.  Barely a challenge anymore for a girl who was once told by Mister Goldfinger that she was crafty and the Secret Service had nothing on her methods.  Back then defeat was defeat - an admittance to a formidable foe.

Now threads are so obvious you can navigate them in your sleep, barely a blip on the emotional EKG.  Goddamn it, where is the WORK, the HUNT, the primal scent of blood and the horns blowing in the deep woods.  The chase is gone - no skill afoot - it has made me dull.  A pair of baby blues looking 2 hours into the next state; show some originality, damn you.

Apathy is a form of bliss - the result of perceiving no challenge at all.  Disinterest I may tell you- but not in all capital letters.

In my mind, relationships have converged to meet in a recognition of mob mentality.  Not one individual stands out as we all stumble that same lost path, the same error in judgment.  Rats in a maze I grow tired of...such drivel set before a mind made from stars.

Literature has taught me a catalog of behaviors and species - It seems I am part of the problem.

I am bored to tears, yet i shed none.

'She went like one that hath been stunned and is a sense forlorn:
A sadder and a wiser man she rose the morrow morn'

Sunday, September 23, 2018


I awoke to the silent buzz of the forest,
windows open, the ancient chill caressed my bare skin.

everywhere my gaze touched green
undulating mounds and tufts of ground mixed with jutting dark earth.
trees in various migration toward fall, then snow.
vines begging for the sky.
moss drunk with a night now gone
images of green eyes seeing me - so rare.
Lips touched by Celtic things,
bruised by clouds;
lusty yet tender.

i desire more

What are you,