Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Dark Urges
A Heated Blade
I see a glass...I could shatter it in a second 
and dig it in the next.

A new urge, a new level - and my life is considered 'pretty good'


What is this switch, cobwebbed and dormant in a walled off stairway 
curving up to a dusty room - a hidden self?

This switch that is recognizable yet remains mute in its elucidation.
I've been here before - but this demon wears so many faces.

I was taught to blame myself
to Default to My Fault

Take the blame, make it disappear like a gourmet meal, devour it - 
though it will clog you and slowly, methodically, stop your fucking heart.

This switch is a scent you recognize - an inner fettering of recall.
Like mothers milk to a starving victim that is 
Act like you like it.
Things FEEL good,
Don't they?
Don't they?
Don't Deny.

But it's a slight of hand, it's a tongue that is forked, seeking warmth; 
seeking to devour the afterbirth of a still born dream that grows cold.

DO NOT go back to that den.

Yet all the signs on every single fucking road lead there.
Bridges are out.  Washed away.
Dreams round over time - their jaggedness dulled to an acquiescence
that can dully, dutifully bludgeon your soul.
Gulp breath.
Kick to the surface

Tears carry the poison
Action is antidote.

Warm Bath, a pen, a page, a glimmer of YOU coming to save YOU.
Harness your sword
The True Enemy is OUT THERE
not IN HERE.

You light a candle for the Virgin and the Maiden you never got to be. 

Not today, you whisper, Not today.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

6 degrees

Of Course the muse hits a bit after midnight...where I am in a box when I long to walk the wet dark pavement and know that I am real.

Gone are the days of anonymity, where you could go a mystery unsolved, where words were spoken and unregistered into the great electric mind - forever preserved in a screen shot and a save.

The days of 6 degrees are upon us.  Barely a challenge anymore for a girl who was once told by Mister Goldfinger that she was crafty and the Secret Service had nothing on her methods.  Back then defeat was defeat - an admittance to a formidable foe.

Now threads are so obvious you can navigate them in your sleep, barely a blip on the emotional EKG.  Goddamn it, where is the WORK, the HUNT, the primal scent of blood and the horns blowing in the deep woods.  The chase is gone - no skill afoot - it has made me dull.  A pair of baby blues looking 2 hours into the next state; show some originality, damn you.

Apathy is a form of bliss - the result of perceiving no challenge at all.  Disinterest I may tell you- but not in all capital letters.

In my mind, relationships have converged to meet in a recognition of mob mentality.  Not one individual stands out as we all stumble that same lost path, the same error in judgment.  Rats in a maze I grow tired of...such drivel set before a mind made from stars.

Literature has taught me a catalog of behaviors and species - It seems I am part of the problem.

I am bored to tears, yet i shed none.

'She went like one that hath been stunned and is a sense forlorn:
A sadder and a wiser man she rose the morrow morn'

Sunday, September 23, 2018


I awoke to the silent buzz of the forest,
windows open, the ancient chill caressed my bare skin.

everywhere my gaze touched green
undulating mounds and tufts of ground mixed with jutting dark earth.
trees in various migration toward fall, then snow.
vines begging for the sky.
moss drunk with a night now gone
images of green eyes seeing me - so rare.
Lips touched by Celtic things,
bruised by clouds;
lusty yet tender.

i desire more

What are you,

Monday, July 23, 2018

Treasure in Ruin

Brilliant blue sky, almost surreal - where you believe you can will time, itself, to stop.
Ancient Maples.  I took refuge under their page sized leaves and cried silently, often.
They gently swayed with the fullness of summer. was to be all downhill toward the darkness from there.

Two babies.  Two years.  Too much for you.
I was finally remembering myself and getting a foothold.
Still plump but getting back to the me I had been, the me you wanted me to forget.
It was a perfect day for real estate - everything would show well.
You were going to swim in an over-sized Hollywood Azul Pool with them 
and 'allow' me to 'have something for myself'

I grabbed my briefcase, stepped into my heels and made it to the flats; a plateau of land that was the
 original dump when the farm land turned suburbia was young, when I was young, when we had 
made the move from Brooklyn to the 'boon docks'
I had forgotten...something?  
Was it my phone? I cannot recall now, all these years later but it was incidentally monumental;  
right up there with a wrong turn down the right road that leads you to your core.
I circled around.
Back across the rolling farms that had sold chunks of land off to build schools.

It truly was a lovely place.  A place where nothing could go wrong.
My grandmother always commented that the apple trees reminded her of Scotland.

I felt so lucky.  
I could see the fence within myself and was ready to climb back into a career, 
back into me, and into our future.

I climbed the long driveway to the house on the hill built by 2 sisters,
 at the foot of a watershed mountain.
Good Water.
Well Water.
Water that had nourished the farm and the ancient orchard in the front that sporadically bloomed.
I had won the personal lottery; out of a childhood of financial uncertainty... 
fighting, dissension, lean holidays and day trips but never vacations.

I parked and rounded the yard.  
I could see you on a pristine white lounger; one of four we had purchased.
My four year old next to you like a clone.
Both oiled, arms akimbo behind your heads - lazy afternoon ahead.

I couldn't see my little guy.  My two year old.  I walked closer, 
my heels sinking into the fertile yard, 
beads of sweat on my back, 
under my dress clothes - black and now stifling.

"Where is he?" I asked, my voice pitching away in a whispered shriek.
You sat up, startled, and glanced toward the pool then looked relieved - like a bullet dodged.
"He's fine!" You said far too enthusiastically, "He's in the boat, see? Fine!"

A smiling two year old.
In a large, luxurious pool.  In blue trunks.  In a blow up boat.

Kicking off my shoes I jumped in.  He laughed and clapped and lunged into the water.  I caught him.
Oh such a game
A wicked game.

You stood up.  My older one looked puzzled, looked at you then at me - half a smile.  
Something wasn't quite right and he knew it, for he already had a greater compass 
and stronger stars than a man decades older. But that would prove to be part of his sacred contract.

You stopped walking toward me midway between the chair and pool.
To this day I wonder what it was you had seen in my face that planted you in that spot.
That kept you there while I held him fast and wrapped a towel around him.

I could no longer make a run for the fence, for I had to make sure I could clear it for three, 
and I just wasn't a strong enough runner...not yet anyway.
Plans changed.  My appointments would wait.  Finding me again, would wait...for 17 more years.

I felt cheated.
I felt trapped.
But I never looked back.

I couldn't see the future, but I knew you weren't in it.

Approximately 17 years later, almost to the day - the solstice to be exact - I heard of a drowning.  
A child.
It brought that day back with such lucidity it took my breath away.  
I could feel the sunlight through the swaying lush green maple leaves.  
The sun bouncing off my luxury sedan.
I tasted the decision to bypass what I needed and stay with that precious little man, 
to play, to nap, to hold him close.

I know now I regret nothing.
Time has assured me; slowly, patiently, delicately.

Even when this child, now a man, slights me (as young men can)
tells me he doesn't need me (as young men believe)
rolls his eyes when I remind him a mothers love is endless (as young men forget) 
I love him fiercely.
It's a knowing love, that angels intervened on our behalf to keep us safe to 
get us here, to arrive at this moment, and then the next.

This is a mothers love.
This is a warriors understanding.
These are selfless choices for life beyond our own.
And this precious young man is the truest wealth and most handsome of treasures 
for believing in those choices.