Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Girl in The Pic

The other day I was going through a box of pictures.  Pictures can be difficult for me because the second they are taken, everything can change.  Still, I wanted to send some to my step daughter and went into the task with the mindset that it would only take a few minutes.  I came across the above photo quite by chance as it was in a folder and I simply opened it.  It gave me pause.  Like a time traveler I sat on the floor of my walk-in closet suspended in a portal of sorts.  I’m not sure how much time went by, but I carefully closed the folder, picked up the pictures that I had gathered for Jen, and went about my day.  Oh but the seen can never be unseen, can it?  A day or so later around 2AM, in a lucid dream, this came out…

The girl in that pic was trying to hold it all together, trying to hold herself together.  She was riddled with doubt; of love, of herself, of everything. The only joy coming through in that time and space was that of the children.

The girl in that pic had no idea of the fire that lay dormant; a tartan gift of DNA – a strength that would be summoned one day.  In her soul, that girl stood barefooted on a rocky crag in the shallows of an ancient sea.  The fine salted sprays would mist her freckled face and gently rouse a sleeping warrior.

The girl in that pic had not a clue that she could battle for the children as fiercely against the man she had loved just as fiercely the day she created them with him.

The girl in that pic didn’t see the derailment coming, did not understand that she was already prepared in ways she couldn’t believe existed.  She didn’t yet see the decisive bargaining she would do with her soul on a Jewelers mat, her dusty gems laid before her on a velvet pillow ready to be sold.  She didn’t yet expect the stirring of inner wisdom that was to come as she realized there wasn’t a price to be had for such treasures.  She didn’t see her hand as she scooped them back into her pockets, knowing she would take them to the grave.  She hadn’t yet decided that she could not be haggled and purchased.

The girl in that pic could never have imagined the toil, the work, the lessons that lay ahead.  She had never prepared for the course of learning to care for oneself and two other little souls.  Overtime they would not just be her children; they  would be known as her cosmic responsibility – one that she would take very seriously.  She couldn’t imagine she would work by day and provide, and then work and again domestically to cook and clean and pay attention, for she would intrinsically understand that attention was very important with these souls.  And that in her future she would  come home exhausted, fearing nothing left to give them . She would take a moment, close the bathroom door and stand before the mirror, then look into her own eyes and whisper, “Crisy, pay attention, this is the important time.” And she would face them refreshed.

The girl in that pic could not see the example she would set as far as education was concerned – did not realize then that in 10 yrs time her own words would be echoed back to her; ‘Mom I want something for myself, I know I need an education.’

The girl in that pic couldn’t dream of the navigation that would ensue to keep little men from mis-stepping.  Attention to friends, situations, influences, and thoughts, as constant as the tide and then the day she would be relieved of this duty as they would watch out for one another.

The girl in that pic couldn’t fathom gulping down panic attacks while trying to smile, or the insomnia that would plague her like a dark unwelcome guest.  And when she did sleep she would have the same dreams over and over and over, each time running forward while terror nipped at her heels.

The girl in that pic didn’t know her future, soon to be past; the moment it was realized would present itself as a tangles ball of string that would slowly be sorted.  She didn’t know of the repressive visions that would come without refuge in sight.  The civil rights that were impinged on, that only became clear in their gravity as time moved forward.  She couldn’t see herself as strong, only scared.  Outwardly she smiled.  Inside she was a running cacophony of musical horror.

The girl in that pic walked blindly forward into her life, into herself, with only the intuitive energy of her ancestors and the angels guiding her.

The girl in that pic could not see herself twelve years in the future looking down at that photo.  She did not yet know the mature, capable, grateful and humble woman she would evolve into.  The woman who would run her fingertips over that photo in a gesture of love and whisper, “I remember you.”  She would not have been able to conceive that twelve years in the future she would have a strong ally that she would meet; someone who would admire her for the strength that she (at that time) was unaware of.  A future self that would forgive her mistakes, pray her through insomnia, and love the children that became men.

The girl in that pic didn’t feel loved and couldn’t comprehend that somewhere in her tomorrows, she already was.  She didn’t know, couldn’t possibly see that it would be SHE who would reassure herself and look upon herself twelve years down the line.  She didn’t know, while frozen in that picture, that moment, that mindset; that it would be her own hand extending kindness and love, her own hand that would reach through to bring her home.  It would be her own voice, older, wiser, that would whisper through tears of Self Love, “You did everything right, because we are still here, and look at these boys…It all turned out just fine, better than fine.  You did a great job, I’ve got this now My Love…

And by the way my darling, the answer you were searching for is YES – It was worth it.”
