Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finishing up a very merry Celtic Weekend!  Bagpiping Brother brought the house down at the Irish Cottage - played to a Motley Bunch of misplaced Bravehearts til they stomped their feet and begged for more :)  My boyfriend is now bald - shaved for kids cancer awesome awesome awesome.  Stopped at Tractor Supply to catch some chickadee therapy - but alas they've all been sold!  Spend the rest of the day generating VitD on dads deck overlooking the yard I was raised in.  Doesn't get much better than that I'll tell you! 

But the highlight of my day was a covert payment online for a weekend in upstate NY w 2 of my favorite authors and one prepper (!)  Very excited - why covert you may ask?  Never good for teenagers to actually see mom w a credit card in her hand...suddenly they need everything...

And started this blog which is something I've been wanting to do but never thought I would - so there!  So just a bit about me:

Name Christine
Handle Chasing Coleridge (The ancient Mariner had me since day one)
Two crazy boys
Single Mom
One insane Dog (1/2 Chihauhau 1/2 Jack Russell)
And a boyfriend I reconnected with after 20 years 10 of them spent married to the wrong one - Hey sometimes God says Get it right this time please!
So many interests
Wanna Be prepper/Homesteader/chicken raiser/Author/Enlightened person - you dig? 

Let's just see where my brain takes me

But this Bloggie is a gift to me - A Song of Myself - Listen if you Wish